Continence Care
Brand Guidelines

Convatec Continence Care brand guideline overview

Championing higher standards of continence care experience for all

Gentle Protection. Confident Living.

Trusted Solutions. Confident Living.

The fixed elements
core principles


Our Hug graphic is our most
distinct and ownable brand
asset, so its appearance is a

The Hug icon represents the
layers of care that wrap
around the patient.

Elements of the Hug graphic
are present across all


Our Masterbrand logo
incorporates our distinctive
Hug icons and a lowercase
wordmark. In most cases, it
should appear locked up with
our strapline, ‘forever caring’.

Our business unit, products
and services logos are always
locked up with the Convatec
Masterbrand logo.

Logos can appear in
horizontal or stacked


Our primary font family is
Codec Warm, which should
be used for headlines,
subheadings, pull-out quotes
and calls to action.

Our product logos all use a
customised version of Codec

Our secondary font is Noto
Sans, which should be used
for body copy, captions and
small text.

Noto Sans should also be
used in markets/languages
where Codec Warm is not

Colour Palette

Our distinctive primary colour
palette features strongly
across all communications.

A gradient using Convatec
Purple and Convatec
Burgundy can be used to add
more vibrancy and dynamism.

Our secondary colour palette
is used to complement our
primary colour palette to
inject freshness into longer
pieces of work.

Convatec Night is also used
for our product and services

Imagery & Illustration

When it comes to the people,
conditions and lifestyles we
portray, we are as real and
representative as we can be.

Our style is natural, warm,
light and bright, so our
imagery and illustration feels
positive and friendly – but
also honest and relatable.



Our Hug graphic is our most distinct and ownable brand asset, so its appearance is a priority.
The Hug icon represents the layers of care that wrap around the patient.
Elements of the Hug graphic are present across all communications.

Primary Hug icon

Primary Hug icon

Primary Hug icon

Primary Hug icon

Primary Hug icon

Minimum size
Primary Hug icon

How we use the Hug

Full colour Hugs

Full bleed white background
Full colour Hugs

Black Hug 15% transparency

Cropped on cloud background
Black Hug 15% transparency

Single full colour Hug

Cropped on white background
Single full colour Hug

Double full colour Hug

Cropped on white background
Double full colour Hug

Full colour Hugs

Full bleed white background
Full colour Hugs

Single full colour Hug

Cropped on gradient background
Single full colour Hug

Double full colour Hug

Cropped on burgundy background
Double full colour Hug

Full colour Hugs

Cropped on cloud background
Full colour Hugs



GentleCath Air™ Product logo
Stacked lockup - Primary colourway
GentleCath Air™ Product logo
Stacked lockup - Secondary colourway
GentleCath Glide™ Product logo
Stacked lockup - Primary colourway
GentleCath Glide™ Product logo
Stacked lockup - Secondary colourway
GentleCath Hydrophilic™ Product logo
Stacked lockup - Primary colourway
GentleCath Hydrophilic™ Product logo
Stacked lockup - Secondary colourway
GentleCath Uncoated™ Product logo
Stacked lockup - Primary colourway
GentleCath Uncoated™ Product logo
Stacked lockup - Secondary colourway
GentleCath Air™ Product logo
Horizontal lockup - Primary colourway
GentleCath Air™ Product logo
Horizontal lockup - Secondary colourway
GentleCath Glide™ Product logo
Horizontal lockup - Primary colourway
GentleCath Glide™ Product logo
Horizontal lockup - Secondary colourway
GentleCath Hydrophilic™ Product logo
Horizontal lockup - Primary colourway
GentleCath Hydrophilic™ Product logo
Horizontal lockup - Secondary colourway
GentleCath Uncoated™ Product logo
Horizontal lockup - Primary colourway
GentleCath Uncoated™ Product logo
Horizontal lockup - Secondary colourway

FeelClean Technology

Product logo with descriptor - stacked
GentleCath Air
Product logo with descriptor - stacked
GentleCath Glide
Product logo with descriptor - stacked
Product logo with descriptor
GentleCath Air™
Product logo with descriptor - horizontal
GentleCath Glide™
Product logo with descriptor - horizontal
Product logo with descriptor - stacked
GentleCath Air™
Product logo with descriptor - stacked
GentleCath Glide™
Product logo with descriptor - stacked
Product logo with descriptor
GentleCath Air™
Product logo with descriptor - horizontal
GentleCath Glide™
Product logo with descriptor - horizontal
FeelClean Technology badge
Primary version
FeelClean Technology badge
Reversed version

Visual Identity


We have clear, defined rules for font usage including specific weights
to help ensure our communications are instantly recognisable.



The following
colour pairs all pass
accessibility tests.

Do not use the following
colour pairs. Low contrast
colour pairings are not
easy to read and don’t pass
accessibility tests.

All logos for our brands will
appear in Convatec Night.

On the rare occasions when
print restrictions allow only
Black and White, they may be
reproduced in grayscale.


Our icon style has
been designed to work
alongside the logo and
other brand elements.


When constructing icons, use a
100x100px circle base. This has a
4px white keyline around its edge.

The background should be the
Convatec gradient. This is set at -45°
so that the Convatec Purple is on the
top left and the Convatec Burgundy
on the bottom right.


The shadow is only used on full
colour icons and is always kept inside
the circle.

It should extend at a 45° angle
out from the bottom right edge of
the icon all the way to the edge of
the circle. This is then filled with
a gradient that fades from 50%
Convatec Purple to 0%.


This is constructed of two keyline
thicknesses, 4px for thin lines and
7px for the thicker ones.

The lines should ideally combine both
round and square corners and line
ends. Curved corners are normally
set to 4px but can be adapted if

Primary full
colour icons
simpler icons
Designed to reduce discomfort, bleeding,
and the risk of UTIs1,2
Protects the urethra
due to no sticking1,2
Minimal mess & residue1
REFERENCES: 1. Pollard D, Allen D, Irwin N J, Moore J V, McClelland N, McCoy C P. Evaluation of an Integrated Amphiphilic Surfactant as an Alternative to Traditional Polyvinylpyrrolidone Coatings for Hydrophilic Intermittent Urinary Catheters. Biotribology. 2022;32(Dec 2022):100223. 2. In vitro data on file.
General protection
Cure ProteX Introducer TipTM


Our imagery is an opportunity for Convatec to show we
truly understand our customers and their experiences.


It doesnt matter how big our image library is, there might always be a shot or moment you
need that’s not in the library, meaning you need to use stock photography.

Stock isn’t always bad, but there’ s a lot of bad stock out there. Make sure to pay clear attention to the guidelines across the following pages when picking stock photography. It has to feel real. If you require support and guidance on the use and choice of your stock imagery, please email the Brand Clinic at [email protected].


When choosing stock photography, be aware of where it is going to be used. For example, for a website banner, the image will need to work
in a wide panoramic format, while a full page press advert will be portrait.
The size and quality of stock photography can vary, so be aware of the resolution, which is given in dots per inch (dpi). Images will need to be
at least 72dpi for digital and at least 300dpi for printed formats.
Avoid cropping in too close on small parts of a larger image when a more suitable zoomed-in image may be available.

To download approved imagery, click here.
  • It feels real, authentic and honest.
  • The set up and lighting feels natural.
  • It doesn’t look like it’s been treated, altered or touched up too much.
  • It features people that feel representative of our key audiences (i.e. patients, carers and healthcare professionals).
  • It captures a moment that feels caring, supportive, or meaningful in some way.
  • It is relevant to the piece of communication that you are creating.
  • It will work for the format and design layout you need (e.g. landscape or portrait).
  • It is available with good enough resolution for the format you need (e.g. at least 72dpi for digital and at least 300dpi for most print formats).
  • It has not already been used by competitors in our sector.

The people, the setting, and the interaction between patient and HCP feels natural.

Our doctor is posing, but she feels real. She takes real pride in her job.


Our imagery is an opportunity for Convatec to show we truly understand our customers and their experiences.

We are committed to using imagery that is human, honest and realistic. Wherever possible, we should use real patients who are representative and relatable to retain authenticity.

The style of photography should reflect interactions between people sharing meaningful moments throughout the care journey to create a sense of togetherness. If people are posing or looking directly to camera, it should feel genuine and proud, rather than staged. People can demonstrate products but in a natural way.

To download approved imagery, click here.
  • Natural
  • Friendly
  • Authentic
  • Approachable
  • Real
  • Transparent
  • Soft lighting
  • Honest
  • Warm
  • Genuine
To download approved imagery, click here.
  • Staged
  • Harsh
  • Airbrushed
  • Unapproachable
  • Artificial lighting
  • Unrealistic
  • Cold
  • Idealist
  • Oversaturated

We love seeing people doing what they enjoy most, such as spending time with their loved ones.

They might be celebrating something special or taking part in activities, but we also want to capture those little silly, fun moments in life.

We need to listen to patients and HCPs and let them guide us on what does and doesn′t work for them. It′s the only way we′ll create truly authentic imagery.


Showing overtly smiley staff won′t feel natural. Of course, an HCP can smile and laugh, but it has to happen naturally and not be a model in a lab coat, smiling.

Don′t just focus on the good moments. Convatec is part of the entire journey, meaning there will be good days and not-so-good days. Embrace all those moments, and people will admire our honesty and transparency.

Never show people doing extreme sports or activities, like snowboarding, parachuting, and trail running. Yes, some people′s journey will end with them being able to do those things again, but we′re focusing on the now and what people are dealing with today.

The colours of our photography are important, as they help us achieve a consistent warm and authentic
feel across all our imagery. To do this, we ‘grade’ the images, which means we tweak and manipulate
the colours in every photograph.

A little bit of a grade can really help with making our shots feel real. Adding a bit of grain and colour will add that rawness of real life. Be aware of peoples’ faces, and avoid bleaching out their skin tones with too much contrast.


Grading is beautiful, however, avoid anything that′s over-graded, taking it out of the real world. Here we see blues and yellows that weren′t naturally present in the photo and that have been added to make it feel like a ‘healthcare’ image. It makes the image feel alienating, cold, and ultimately, fake.


Use lighting to mimic or enhance real life lighting. It allows us to give that warmth to our imagery we′re looking for, while still feeling real.

It could be mimicking the sun, or maybe it′s just giving the illusion a light is on and shining on someone.


Never use an over-the-top studio lighting setup, where everything is perfectly lit or with a super high contrast.

We should also avoid excessively coloured lighting, as it often makes images feel too staged and can make it look like a fashion shoot.


CGI can be used for products or patient demos

CGI for product representation (only) should be as realistic as possible. CGI for product demonstrations featuring patients should be as true to life as it can be, whilst remaining respectful of the bodies portrayed.



Product imagery uses a consistent approach

Where possible, product should
be shown in use or in situ so
that the representation feels
relatable and true to life.

When products are shot in isolation, they
should be shown to their best advantage – well
lit and in a clean environment.

If they are shot against white, they should be
shown against white within a white holding
space – rather than being cut out and placed
against a colourful background.

Tone of Voice

When speaking to users, our voice should always
empower users to feel confident.

How we speak

How we speak

Empower users
“Your journey, your terms. Feel empowered to self-catheterise with

Use language around protection and comfort
“FeelClean Technology™ does not stick, so protects your delicate urethra1,2,
your body’s first line of defence against UTIs.*3

Be a source of trust
“Damage from repeated catheter use can weaken your urethral defence
increasing your risk of UTIs.*4

Be clear and accurate
“Remove the catheter using the blue no-touch handling sleeve. Throughout
the cathing process, make sure not to touch the length of the catheter so it
remains hygienic.”

Use everyday, familiar language for clarity and

“Many women find that…”

Communicate how innovative and unique GentleCath
with FeelClean Technology is

“An innovative, next generation intermittent catheter, designed to address the
challenges you face when cathing.”

Be empathetic with a positive, reassuring tone
“Remember that everyone is different, so the routine that works best for you
might look slightly different and that’s okay!”

How we do not speak

Some light-heartedness or entertainment can be engaging. But avoid trivialising, being flippant or offensive
“Set your wee free.”

Avoid over-familiar language or slang
“Hold up – what’s the deal with my cath?”

Use heavy jargon
“The sphincter mechanism remains closed.”

But don’t be unscientific, either
“Put it into your pee hole.”

We’re never cold or detached from our customers
“Patients will figure it out for themselves.”

REFERENCES: 1. Pollard D, Allen D, Irwin N J, Moore J V, McClelland N, McCoy C P. Evaluation of an Integrated Amphiphilic Surfactant as an Alternative to Traditional Polyvinylpyrrolidone Coatings for Hydrophilic Intermittent Urinary Catheters. Biotribology. 2022;32(Dec 2022):100223. 2. In vitro data on file. 3. Jafari NV, Rohn JL. The urothelium: a multi-faceted barrier against a harsh environment. Mucosal Immunol. 2022;15(6):1127-1142. doi:10.1038/s41385-022- 00565-0. 4. Dellimore KH, Helyer AR, Franklin SE. A scoping review of important urinary catheter induced complications. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2013;24(8):1825-1835. doi:10.1007/ s10856-013-4953-y.

*Urethral trauma is a risk factor of UTIs.

Writing conventions

When mentioning any Convatec Continence Care products and technologies, it’s vital to consistently use the accurate writing convention, every time.

  • Convatec should always use a capital C.
  • Cure
  • Cure should always be written with a capital C.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word.
  • me+
  • Always write me in lowercase, followed by a numerical plus, with no
    space in between.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word.
    GentleCath™ with FeelClean Technology
  • GentleCath should always be written with a capital G and C,
    with no space between.
  • FeelClean should always be written with a capital F and C,
    with no space in between.
  • Technology should always have a capital T.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word GentleCath and Technology.
  • GentleCath with FeelClean Technology™ should be written in full at the start of body copy.
  • After its first appearance, it can be referred to as GentleCath.
  • GentleCath
  • GentleCath should always be written with a capital G and C,
    with no space in between.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word.
  • Use this naming convention in body copy after the full product name has
    been referenced once before.
  • FeelClean Technology
  • FeelClean should always be written with a capital F and C, with no space in
  • Technology should always have a capital T.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear after Technology.
  • When referring to the technology, the full name must always be used.
    GentleCath Air for Men
  • GentleCath should always be written with a capital G and C, with no space in
  • Air should be written with a capital A.
  • Men should always be written with a capital M.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word Air.
  • When referring to the product, the full name must always be used.
  • If you need to highlight what type of product, you can add Intermittent
    Catheter for Men after GentleCath Air. It should always be written with
    capital I, C and M.
  • GentleCath Air for Women
  • GentleCath should always be written with a capital G and C, with no space in
  • Air should be written with a capital A.
  • Women should always be written with a capital W.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word Air.
  • If you need to highlight what type of product, you can add Intermittent
    Catheter for Women after GentleCath Air. It should always be written with
    capital I, C and W.
  • GentleCath Glide with FeelClean Technology
  • GentleCath should always be written with a capital G and C, with no space in
  • Glide should be written with a capital G.
  • FeelClean should always be written with a capital F and C, with no space in
  • Technology should always have a capital T.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word Glide and
  • When referring to the product, the full name must always be used.
    GentleCath Air with FeelClean Technology™
  • GentleCath should always be written with a capital G and C, with no space in between.
  • Air should be written with a capital A.
  • FeelClean should always be written with a capital F and C, with no space in between.
  • Technology should always have a capital T.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word Air and
  • When referring to the product, the full name must always be used.
  • GentleCath Air
  • GentleCath should always be written with a capital G and C, with no space
    in between.
  • Air should be written with a capital A.
  • Technology should always have a capital T.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word Air.
  • When referring to the product, the full name must always be used.
  • GentleCath Glide
  • GentleCath should always be written with a capital G and C, with no space
    in between.
  • Glide should be written with a capital G.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word Glide.
  • When referring to the product, the full name must always be used.
    Cure Dextra
  • Cure Dextra™ should always be written with a
    capital C and D.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at
    the end of the word.
  • When referring to the product, the full name
    must always be used.
    Cure Ultra
  • Cure Ultra™ should always be written with a
    capital C and U.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at
    the end of the word.
  • When referring to the product, the full name
    must always be used.
    Cure Twist
  • Cure Twist™ should always be written with a
    capital C and T.
  • A trademark symbol should always appear at the end of the word.
  • When referring to the product, the full name
    must always be used.



© YYYY Convatec.™/® indicate trademarks of
the Convatec group of companies.

AP numbers featuring a full stop at the end.


The word REFERENCE is to be written at the
start of a list in capitals.

Each reference has a full stop afterwards.

In vitro always appears in italics.


Referencing follows the American Medical
Association 11th edition.

In-text references appear as numbers after
full stops and commas and inside colons and


© 2024 Convatec. ™/® indicate trademarks of the Convatec group of companies.




REFERENCES: 1. Werneburg GT. Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Current Challenges
and Future Prospects. Res Rep Urol. 2022;14:109-133. doi:10.2147/RRU.S273663. 2. Jacobsen SM,
Stickler DJ, Mobley HLT, Shirtliff ME. Complicated catheter-associated urinary tract infections due to
Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2008;21(1):26-59. doi:10.1128/CMR.00019-07.
3. Abraham SN, Miao Y. The nature of immune responses to urinary tract infections. Nat Rev Immunol.
2015;15(10):655-663. doi:10.1038/nri3887. 4. In vitro data on file.


Damage from repeated catheter use can weaken the urethral defence.1,2

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