Which platform is best for Medical Device social media marketing?

14 May 24

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Do you need help targeting your audience on social media? Looking for the right online space to share your medical device marketing?

Social media is a very powerful marketing tool that can help build your brand, spread awareness and curate trust with your audience, but knowing how and where to utilise it can be tricky.

This is why we’ve put together this complete guide on how you should be targeting your medical device audience on social media.


Which platform is best for Medical Device social media marketing?

Are you wondering which social media platforms are right for promoting your medical device? If so, keep watching.

Hey guys, Claudia here. So in this video, we’re going to look at Instagram, Facebook, X, formerly known as Twitter and LinkedIn with the ultimate question, which of these is king for medical device marketing. Before we start talking about different platforms, There’s a few things we have to talk about, and that’s really understanding your demographics and your goals, what you want to achieve on social media.

So when we’re talking about your audience demographics, it’s things like their age or their gender, because this will have a big impact on the social channels that you choose. For example, Instagram has quite a young demographic, whereas Facebook has a much older demographic. Secondly, why are you doing B2B or B2C?

If you’re doing B2B, then you need to look more also at things like job title, company size, company location, so that you can really target your audience effectively. So finally, what are your objectives? Are you looking to increase your brand awareness, or are you looking to increase conversion rates and leads and revenue?

They’re quite different in how you approach your social media channel. So you need to have this mapped out to start off with, so that you have clear objectives that you need to achieve.

So the first channel we’re going to talk about is Instagram. So Instagram is one of the younger channels. It started in 2010 and it has a younger demographic. So between 24 and 35 is the average ages with 90 percent of users under the age of 35. So if you’re a very visual brand and you have a lot of videos and really beautiful aesthetics, then Instagram could be the perfect platform for you as it’s really founded on that type of visual content.

So between reels, stories and posts, you can really get that aesthetic feeling across of your device. Additionally, Instagram is fantastic for working with influencers. So if you have some users who could be really great influencers or are influencers, this could be a great part of your marketing strategy with Instagram.

Finally, Instagram also has a shopping feature. Now, this isn’t normally so relevant for medical device because most things cannot be sold over the counter. So But if you have a device that can go over the counter and can be sold directly to customers, then Instagram could be a fantastic platform to sell your devices directly to the consumer.

Facebook. So let’s talk about Facebook. So I know quite a bit about Facebook as many people do because Facebook is the oldest and largest social media channel currently available. So it started in 2004 and it has over 3 billion. monthly active users on the channel, which is just ginormous. So who is on the channel?

Well, it’s got a wide age range on Facebook, but there is also a large population of over 55s. So if your device is targeted at an older population, which many devices are, then this could be a really great platform or channel for you, especially if you are going direct to consumer. So what’s so great about Facebook?

Well, Facebook is fantastic for sharing. It has great shareability. Videos also work very, very well on Facebook and the algorithm really likes videos. So shares them more. Additionally, it has communities. So you can either speak to your audience in a closed or open forum to really provide more educational content and benefit to them throughout their treatment journey.

Or maybe just as product awareness.

So now let’s talk about X or as many of you may know, Twitter, which was rebranded to X in 2023 and apologies if I call X Twitter during this video. So X is the smallest social platform that we’re going to talk about. And it was founded in 2006. And has about 550 million monthly annual users. Not really that small, still quite big, but not as big as the other channels we’re looking at here.

So what is Twitter really good for? Well, it’s a very immediate channel. So it’s about sharing immediate news and having discussions. And actually a great way of thinking about Twitter is like a giant comment section. So it’s really very fast moving. For example, it could be great when you’re at a Congress, You’ve seen a really great presentation, and you want everybody to comment on it at the same time.

It’s really very, very immediate. But one thing to be aware with Twitter is that you have a 280 character count, and that includes your spaces. So, you have to be extremely concise in what you say. Now, it will come as no surprise that videos are And images therefore do really well on Twitter because it’s a great way of saying more information to your audience, given this short character count.

So some interesting statistics, about 90 percent of all users include video in their daily viewings. And if you include video. Images, you include, increase your viewers by 94%. So imagery is definitely in fashion when it comes to Twitter. So how are you going to do well with Twitter? Well, it’s really if you want fast moving news and generate discussion.

So it can be a great adjunct to maybe some of your other social media strategies.

So now onto everybody’s favorite B2B business, social media channel, LinkedIn. So LinkedIn was founded in 2003 and it has a vast network of over 900 million members. And these are all business professionals. So if you want to connect with other business professionals, this really is the place to be. So we all know that business professionals are on LinkedIn, but do you know the amount of content that is shared on LinkedIn?

So an interesting fact is that 94 percent of marketers use LinkedIn as their primary content distribution channel. And this doesn’t feel too different to medical device. So this could be videos, newsletters, posts, any really new product launches, things like that all go through LinkedIn as the primary distribution channel.

So what else is really great about LinkedIn? Well, it’s fantastic for promotion of your company and your products through a company page and a product page, but you can also have really targeted connections. By identifying those that you really want to communicate with in your audience. So this could be down to the surgeon level, down to the speciality level, um, really anything that you want to look at within a professional area.

Additionally, LinkedIn has fantastic groups. So this is similar to Facebook in that way. You can have closed or open communities to really start building your community for continual communication. But one thing we need to say about LinkedIn is it is still a social network. So this is why we see personal profiles always, without a doubt, do better than company profiles.

So the biggest tip when using LinkedIn. Is keep it social. Here at Podemos, we specialize in medical device marketing. If you have any other questions, click on any of the links below to view other articles, or if you want to work with one of our team, click the book, my call button, so time to wrap up. So which channel, which social channel really is king when it comes to medical device marketing?

Well, the answer is it depends. So there’s a lot of things we need to think about. So firstly, who is your audience and what are you trying to achieve on the network? Then when you look at which channels, it’s really who’s on each channel. So if we have a look at Instagram, we’ve got a much younger demographic.

Facebook is a little bit older. Twitter focuses more on fast educate or fast news and information and LinkedIn, it’s a really business to business network. So it’s about understanding what each offers and how it can benefit your audience. So to help you move forward with this, we’ve created a downloadable resource which can help you decipher which network is right for your audience.

The importance of knowing your target audience

Before we dive into the differences between various social media platforms, it’s important to discuss how medical device companies should choose which social media platform to target.

The most important part is that you need to know where your audience is. You might think that targeting all platforms, in the same way is best, but that’s not necessarily true.

Not carefully picking your social media platform is like going up on stage to perform for an empty room. You can shout about how amazing your company is, but if nobody is listening, what’s the point?

Instead, a better approach is to focus all of your efforts on just a few social media platforms where you know your audience is. That way, you will achieve a higher reward with less effort. You need to have a good idea of their age, their gender, what their lifestyle is like, their job role, and more. All of this information will help you to make a decision.

Where should I begin?

Before you start you need to have a clear idea of what your goals are, why do you need social media?

Are you trying to draw people to your website? Spread awareness or build an online community? These goals will affect which social media sites you should build your digital marketing on.

Once you know your goals you need to find the right people that will help you reach them, this is your audience.

Then, when you’ve established your audience, you can set about finding them on social media. People use different marketing platforms for different reasons. For instance, LinkedIn is generally used by professionals looking to network, making it great for B2B companies. Picking the right marketing platforms can help you find the right audience to meet your goals.

The difference between social media platforms

When looking to choose a digital marketing platform for your medical device you need to be aware of the differences between them, such as type of users, what they are used for, and what you can do on each. 


Instagram has gained over 2 billion users since its release in 2010, bringing it close to the dizzying heights of Facebook in terms of user numbers. Most of these users sit in the 24-35 age category, with the majority of engagement coming from younger users. This means that if you’re targeting a younger audience, Instagram might be a good place to focus. 

Instagram is a purely visual platform, with every post requiring a visual element, meaning it isn’t the best option for medical device companies looking to share articles or build an email list.  

However, this doesn’t mean that it’s not great for curating trust and brand recognisability with your audience. This platform is better for companies who are looking to communicate directly with consumers and patients and share with them helpful and engaging content.  

Top tip: You cannot include links on Instagram posts; one way around this is to include a Linktree on your page description and direct your users there instead. 


Facebook is easily the most popular social media platform, with over 2.9 billion users. This platform is popular among all ages, with no standout demographic, but it’s worth noting that Facebook is the most popular choice for over 55s – so if your audience sits in this category, this is where you’ll want to target. 

Facebook’s golden gem is its shareability when it comes to social media marketing, allowing some lucky companies to go viral. It’s also a great place to foster a community feel, as groups can be set up to encourage information sharing and discussions.  

Facebook also allows users to post stories and post live streams, but these features haven’t proven as successful on Facebook as it has on Instagram. 

This platform works best for a company looking to communicate directly with patients and consumers of an older age range. Through the use of groups and Facebook pages, a strong online community can be created and used to your advantage.   

Top tip: If using videos on Facebook, make sure you upload them directly to your page. 

X (Twitter)

X formally known as Twitter was launched in 2006 and since then has gained 556 million monthly active users, with most of those users being between the ages of 25 and 34. Users are only given 280 characters per post, which includes spaces, so all content has to be short to be effective, for this reason, visuals work well on X (Twitter) content with relevant visuals is 94% more effective than those without. 

The platform is best known for delivering breaking news and stimulating lively discussions, so brands that can do this are likely to win big with their audiences. 

If your company is looking to share industry news or snippets of information about your medical device, then X (Twitter) is a good choice. 

Top tip: To get around the short word limit, you can use images with text on them and use Bitly to compress your links, so they take up fewer characters. 


LinkedIn is the go-to site for professional networking, meaning it is especially popular with business-to-business companies. 

There are currently over a billion registered users on LinkedIn, with 8.6 million of those users being healthcare professionals. That is a huge potential market, especially when you consider that the context of LinkedIn suggests that users are engaged and ready to listen to brands. 

On LinkedIn, you can share everything from text posts to live videos, connecting with like-minded professionals from around the world. Learn to harness the power of LinkedIn with our complete breakdown guide. 

Which platform is best? 

There is no short answer to which social media platforms you should be using to market your medical device as it is completely dependent on your business and your target audience.

There isn’t a top social media site that rules over them all as they are all so different and all come with pros and cons. Now that you know the differences between each platform, you are in a better position to choose where to focus your efforts.

About Podymos

Podymos is a dedicated Medical Device marketing agency. We are passionate about sharing information to help you decide on the best marketing strategies and tactics to boost the adoption of your technology.

After all, no two technologies are the same.

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